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Donate Today!

Since the COVID-19 crisis and the closure of our daily and weekly operations, we have lost our ability to receive donations from members of our community which we relied heavily on. As with Ramadan approaching and with Ramadan activities also in jeopardy due to the extended coronavirus lockdown order, we are at risk of missing out on the opportunity for donations during a usually generous time from our members.

We need YOUR help to help pay our a Cham Refugees Community COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund! 


This emergency fund will help towards:

  • monthly utility bills for the CRC facility,

  • support our teachers who now have no income as their classes were suspended due to coronavirus,

  • an emergency fund to support those in need from our community that have been directly affected by coronavirus and have lost their jobs and can no longer pay for basic necessities,

  • or to support our elders who cannot leave their homes for basic necessities.


Your donations are tax-eligible and Zakat-eligible.

  • EIN: 91-1214867


Help us if you cannot donate financially: 

  • Share with all your friends and family members

  • Share the URL and social links across all media platforms

  • Make dua that we can meet our target and reach our goals this year


Your generousity is much appreciated, and may Allah bless you in this life and the Hereafter.


- Cham Refugees Community 



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CRC President Asari Mohamath on donating to the community's COVID-19 emergency relief fund.

Imam Yakkob Man (speaking in Cham) on donating to the community's COVID-19 emergency relief fund. 

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